Sunday, April 25, 2010

Detroit Delays

Sorry for the delays in posting this past week. I kept thinking I would find time to do a series of Aquaman write-ups, but it never quite worked out. The worst part is I actually do have material prepared related to other characters I could have run, like a really curious Vixen pin-up, and no shortage of Zatannadays. I just didn't, in hopes I'd get this Aquaman thing knocked out instead. Since I get a reasonable amount of hits but almost no comments at this blog, I'd like to ask visitors to drop me a line and help decide what to do. I've got a test I must study for today, and a final in two weeks. Should I try to get the Aquaman week done somewhere in between, or serialize the material over 5+ weeks and get posts for other members flowing again? I warn you, there's fan fiction involved, so votes of "forgetaboutit" will be considered. Also, the "Penguin Affair," I've been synopsizing on BaTuesday is on hold, because I only owned the first part, and was counting on a long down & possibly permanently out online source to finish that one off. For you Martian Manhunter fans at The Idol-Head of Diabolu, I thankfully "banked" a nice batch of Miss Martian material thanks to that site...

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